Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mindless mumblings...

Well...I've done it! I've always wanted to blog and share the crazy thoughts in my head with anyone who wanted to hear them. So here you go......the first of many mindless mumblings from a monster mama!!
I had my gallbladder out yesterday and I really thought I was going to walk out of the hospital and go about my daily business of taking care of monster girl and monster boy. Ummmmmm....not quite. Instead, I barely managed to stand upright on the front porch before hurling the entire contents of my liquid diet all over the garbage can. Once inside, I crashed on my bed where I was unable to roll over to grab the phone to call for help. I laid there for a couple of hours before my own mom came and helped me. I stayed the night at her house (and yes I blessed her house with the remaining contents of my liquid diet!) I woke up feeling better this morning, but still very sore. Lessons learned: 1) Surgery is surgery and you must take time to recover 2)Don't take your stomach muscles for granted~they are used in everything you do 3) stay away from anyone who makes you laugh
So that's first blog post....lucky you!

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