Saturday, June 26, 2010
Simple, Sane Saturday.......Right!
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some Free things to do this summer!!!
June 26-27
Detroit Children's Museum Grand reopening
**Entertainment, hands on crafts, planetarium and more!
June 26
Build and Grow at Lowes 10 am
Monster Truck

Saturday June 26
Imagination Station has a big Sidewalk Chalk presentation with hands on activities as well!
July 3
Kid's Build Workshop at Home Depot 9am-12 pm

July 10
Build and Grow at Lowes 10 am
Ball and cup game

August 7
Kid's Build Workshop at Home Depot 9am-12pm
Bus shaped pencil organizer
The library also has their Make a Splash~Read with Magic Fish, Dive into the ocean and explore, It's a luau, and Bubble fun with the Bubble Lady!
For those of you with a membership to Imagination Station, Little Kidspace has story/craft time every weekday at 11:00 and Sunday's at 1:00.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Bible Study~
Look up verses about treating your body as a temple.
Memory verse~
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Train Them up~
*Work on summer bridge workbooks at least 4 times this week.
*Have them read for 15 minutes each day.
*Be less distracted.
*Get a routine started!
Personal Goals~
*Drink WAY less pop!
*Walk every day for at least 10 minutes.
*get out the roller blades at least once this week.
Menu plan~
Monday-pork chops
Tuesday- tuna helper
Wednesday-spaghetti and garlic bread
Thursday- Taco ring
Friday- Pizza @the bowling alley!
New Habit~
Wipe down the bathroom every night!
Fun things to do this week~
*Imagination station-Sidewalk chalk adventure...
*Bowling- free and I'm really craving pizza!
*Library Summer Reading Program- learning how to speak like a pirate!
*Toy Story 3 @the IMAX!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010

So that's it. My plan is to blog more this summer! Thanks for reading!
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Break 2010
Weeks 1-2
4 dance recitals
+13 Ball games
+1 day at the beach
+1 library program
+1 day strawberry picking
+2 days at tot lot
+1 day in the sprinkler
+1 tornado
+1 convention at COBO center
+1 flat tire
+20 pages of summer workbook activities
+5 books read
+2 trips to the ice cream stand
+countless popsicles
= crazy adventures and serious FUN!
Summer has been an adventure and we are only 14 days in.