Saturday, June 26, 2010

Simple, Sane Saturday.......Right!

Simple, Sane Saturday.......Right!
9am came awfully early and with it, the start of a BUSY day. Nationals Bootcamp commenced this morning and Delaney had dance class from 10-12. She enjoyed it and I enjoyed chatting with all my dance mom (and dad) friends! It's nice to have adult conversations every now and then and even more nice good, juicy dirt is shared!!!'s gonna be a interesting school year , that 2010-2011 is!!!
Bootcamp ran over a little, but we still forged ahead with the next plan on our Saturday to-do list. Van loaded, friends filled in and off to Imagination Station we went! They had a beautiful sidewalk chalk in progress and they even let our kids participate on a section of sidewalk....wwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy over there! Apparently, our artistic abilities did not mesh with their envisioned final project....and neither did our coloring outside the lines (or given boundaries!). Eventually our chalk was confiscated and our fun was relocated! We headed inside to the BIG DIG! The kids have been asking to do this for quite some time, and today we did. They began by fighting over the brooms in the bone dig, and ended by fighting over the hammer in the fossil between, they built a swimming dinosaur, did fossil rubs, and molded missing bones out of silly putty! Today's adventure in the BIG DIG was a success!
From there we traveled North (through a path not often traveled, but scenic!) and delivered our friends safely to their waiting vehicle. The next stop on our action packed day? Bekkah's graduation party! Great food, family, friends, and laughs.....the party was enjoyable, but HOT. So sweaty and tired, we headed home to SWIM!
We let the dog we are sitting out, fought some more over seats and music and places in the shower and finally...the kids are in bed. I'd say it was a fairly successful day!

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